About the Book

What to do from Day One, Hour One of a Cancer Diagnosis

1.7 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States this year. 1.7 million will get news that they can't quite believe and have their world changed in the space of a few sentences. If you are reading this, chances are your life has been impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

We will look at what to do from Day One, Hour One of your diagnosis.

Managing a cancer diagnosis is not only managing the disease, it's also taking care of your finances and workplace, making sure you are legally protected, and that you can manage all the complications and emergencies that arise.

I wrote this book with the help of dozens of experts including medical doctors from numerous fields, pharmacists, and researchers. In addition to the medical aspects, I interviewed lawyers, accountants, counselors, and clergy (from various faiths) who all joined to create this resource for you.

Cancer is a fight. Knowledge is the best weapon you can have.

This book is written for you to arm yourself and TO WIN.

Download Chapter 1 for Free

What do people have to say?

  • This is a must-have book for anyone newly diagnosed who needs to have a doctor friend ready to answer those questions that come up at 2 am.

    Susan F

  • I found the book straightforward and helpful for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer.

    Fred Ashforth, author of The Speaking Connection

  • A new book by ER physician Kerry A. Forrestal, MD, Crushing Cancer: A Patient’s Complete Guide to Managing a Cancer Diagnosis, offers sound advice for patients with cancer from a doctor who has seen it all.

    ASCO Post

  • First time I read this was after my Mother died. Everything is so on point. Where to start, what to do, tasks that need to be taken care of, support and resources. I help others with their cancer journeys and this book has literally, been a God-send! So grateful and highly recommend!

    Katheryn A

  • Easy to read, concrete information that helped put me on a path of better understanding the cancer journey. Navigating cancer is horrible, this book provides a guide thru every aspect in a clear but simplified manner!


  • I’m a 13 year breast cancer survivor so I know firsthand what getting a cancer diagnosis is about and I wish I had had something like this at that time. If you or someone you know is recently diagnosed this book would be tremendous resource for all the questions you have and even those you didn't think of yet.

    Sally S

  • I had cancer ten years ago, and this is the book I wish I had then. It’s informative without being scary. Dr. Forrestal suggests jumping around to the chapters you need as you need them. You can skim or read the "deep dives" if you want more details. I would recommend this to anyone newly diagnosed (and their families) and I think oncologists should be handing it out with every cancer diagnosis. I received an advanced copy for an honest review.

    Reba L

  • I got this book early in my cancer treatment. I started by going right to specific chapters to understand cancer classification, the different types of radiation technology, and insurance/financial considerations. I then went back and read the other sections applicable to my cancer and treatment. I've since used it as a reference resource whenever I have other questions; the information I find here is often a springboard for me to do other, deeper research. Dr. Forrestal's book came along at just the right time for me!

    Glen Z

  • Doctor Forrestal writes this book as if you are sitting down having a face to face conversation with him. It feels personal, something that gets lost sometimes clinically. The chapters are easy to read, follow, and understand. If you are looking for more technical, scientific, or factual information, he provides you with the resources to track it down. This book is not meant to be read cover to cover like a novel; rather, you should read the chapters that relate to where you are in your own diagnosis and treatment. Whether you have just been diagnosed, are going through treatment, or are getting your affairs together, there is a chapter for you.

    Samantha F

  • If ever I or a person I love were diagnosed with cancer, I would want someone to be my guide through the next steps. I would want that someone to be knowledgeable, objective, and thorough. I would want them to talk to me realistically without sugarcoating the reality of what's going to happen. Dr. Forrestal is that someone, and his book Crushing Cancer is the resource that I will use if ever needed. This book reads like it is the doctor friend you have in your contact list who can sit you down and give you all the important information you need. It's written as a casual conversation but is full of serious and heavy content. He has managed the fine balance of providing a lot of textbook information but making you feel like you're an active participant in the learning process. Many people avoid going to the doctor because they feel overwhelmed, belittled, or patronized when presented with information. If more books were written like Crushing Cancer, and by authors like Dr. Forrestal, I feel the barrier to accessing medical knowledge would be a little closer to being eliminated.

    Lauren P

  • When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2014, the volume of information and number of decisions were overwhelming. Even as a medical professional, there were times I felt I was drowning; completely overmatched in a specialty that was foreign to me. Most of the resources were written in a way that was cookie-cutter and impersonal. Dr. Forrestal takes a personal tone. He cares about each individual reader and that comes through in the book. He understands that cancer is not just a biological process, but has family, career, and life impacts that are critical components to the cancer journey and he addresses those topics in a way that I have not seen with other cancer resource books.

    Susan F

  • I got this book early in my cancer treatment. I started by going right to specific chapters to understand cancer classification, the different types of radiation technology, and insurance/financial considerations. I then went back and read the other sections applicable to my cancer and treatment. I've since used it as a reference resource whenever I have other questions; the information I find here is often a springboard for me to do other, deeper research. Dr. Forrestal's book came along at just the right time for me! Glen Z When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007, I was confused and scared. I had to make several decisions immediately about my treatment with little guidance. This book would have been such a help to assist me with information about options and organizing my choices. When my husband, Jim. was diagnosed in 2018 with cancer, even though he was a physician, it was still overwhelming, confusing and scary. Jim had many conversations with Dr. Forrestal during this time and his knowledge helped guide my husband during his journey. Now this guidance is in a well structured book to help the patient and their family navigate the options and journey. I've added the book to my library and will pray I never need to utilize it, but cancer a reality that can occur to all of us, either personally or within our families. I highly recommend Dr. Forrestal's book. Crushing Cancer for any individual going through this journey.

    Debi B

  • The one thing that sticks out to me the most is that this book doesn’t need to be limited to a cancer diagnosis. It can be used for any medical diagnosis. As I read through, I realized that I needed to be more prepared, regardless of my health status. It’s touches on everything from diagnosis to budgeting. I will recommend this book to anyone with a major medical diagnosis and will have a copy on my bookshelf as soon as it’s available.


  • This is, to paraphrase the quote from Senator Bill Frist, THE book anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer should read just after getting their test results and before doing anything else. Dr. Kerry Forrestal has meticulously and clearly addressed every step in the battle that over a million Americans are called to fight every year, making a complex and frightening topic understandable and less terrifying. Every doctor's office in America should have copies to hand out to anyone who has to take on this disease.

    Elizabeth H

  • It felt like having a dear friend to hold your hand and help you through a life altering time. It seems that quite often “doctor speak” can be intimidating and confusing but the wording and story telling Dr. Forrestal uses are comforting, informative, and engaging. The use of pictures to mark as guideposts was very helpful as well. I highly recommend this book to anyone in need.

    Katie B

  • Tremendous read. Great resource for any patient with a cancer diagnosis. Also a great read for any healthcare provider. Make sense out of a complicated issue. Cheers!


  • This well-traveled ER doctor delivers a sure-handed book, organized into 17 chapters.

    ASCO Post

  • Each treatment option is thoroughly explained, with terrific reader-friendly visuals.

    ASCO Post

  • A comprehensive guide from the minute you are diagnosed with cancer through remission. Whether you are the patient or family and friends of the patient this book covers everything you need to know as well as answering questions you never thought to ask. The “Deep Dive” provides in-depth information about specific aspects of cancer and the way it affects the body, mind and soul. I highly recommend this book for anyone dealing with the horrifically frightening diagnosis for cancer. Kudos to Sarah Forrestal’s illustrations.


  • Crushing Cancer is an important addition to the patient education literature. It is highly recommended for readers of The ASCO Post, who will undoubtedly make a human connection with this no-nonsense ER doctor who practices medicine under the toughest of conditions, with patience and empathy, because that’s what doctors do.

    ASCO Post